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Write Blog Posts Faster With

Today we’re gonna talk about how to write blog posts and a hundred other types of content for your business faster than you could on your own, in addition to making that text more effective, engaging, and entertaining.

In our last podcast, we talked about the importance of content marketing to attract prospects to your website.

If you want your website to rank and get noticed by Google, you have to regularly write and post helpful and engaging content.

Many small businesses fail to write blog posts regularly because it takes so long to come up with ideas and then write them, and that’s where Jasper can help.

Jasper.ai is a writing assistant that uses artificial intelligence to generate rich, engaging content for your business.

I briefly mentioned in our last podcast how much we are loving this new Jasper AI program.

This AI-powered software can write blog posts, articles and other marketing materials for you in just minutes. You’ll never have to worry about coming up with new ideas again!

This software can help you or your content writers create fantastic and effective copy about 5 times faster than they could ever do independently.

It can help you get your past writer’s block and come up with lots of topic ideas for your blogs posts, social media posts, videos, podcasts, emails, surveys, and so much more.

And then, it will take the topic idea you choose and write out all the content for you also. And it does so super fast, in just seconds or minutes, depending on the length of the content you desire.

It can help you write long-form blog post content and creative stories or even an entire book.

It has a explain it to a child“ feature that will simplify any content you highlight and ask it to.

It can write headlines and descriptions for your advertisements, products, and services.

It can take the content you already wrote and expanded upon it.

It can use effective marketing writing frameworks like the AIDA model, which takes the reader through the reader’s journey to grab their attention, gain their interest, provoke desire, and finally take action.

It can turn your product or service’s features into benefits in seconds.

It can use use the problem – agitate – solutions model or a before and after model.

It has templates for blog posts, ad headlines and copy, emails, e-commerce products, social media, videos, podcasts, and more.

It can translate your content into over 25 languages. It can write in that many languages also.

In our previous podcast, I may have overstated a little bit just how awesome this software is in stating that it writes better than even our best writers; that’s only partially true.

You still need a writer to operate the software and edit the content it creates.

Blog posts

Jasper isn’t your fact or research tool. It helps you get there 5x faster and with creative language.

You need to edit for accuracy, but your time will be spent on editing instead of brainstorming and writing, which are usually the two time-consuming and frustrating parts of writing anyway.

Jasper takes your industry and market into consideration, then finds a topic that you write about.

Jasper also provides keywords for the blog post to make certain it’s easy to read and picked up by Google search engines.

We are now using it to help us write blog content, ad copy, replies to customer reviews, and soon we’ll be tackling an e-book for one of our markets.

Jasper will write those pieces of content in just seconds. Can you write it any faster? You won’t know until you try.

How would you feel if you could write 5x as many blog posts, articles, and emails as you currently write now in the next few days or weeks?

How would it feel about writing more compelling ad copy and having that copy produce better results for you?

Jasper makes writing faster by doing all the heavy lifting for you.

Just write the body copy and choose a topic or write a topic suggestion. Jasper does everything else! No more writer’s block! No more wasting hours battling with yourself to get words on the screen.

As you can tell, we’re huge fans and we’ve only been using the software for a short while and have yet to become proficient in using all of its capabilities.

If your company needs help writing more content, doing it faster, and making that content more attractive and engaging to readers, we highly recommend taking a test drive of Jasper.ai to see where it can take you and your team.

Oh, and by the way, Jasper helped me write this article. Not bad, huh?

Learn more on Jasper’s website here.

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Founder & CEO of Battle Plan Marketing, LLC. We customize marketing strategies and solutions for home service companies. Mark has over 30 years experience in sales and marketing, 20 years as a business owner or partner, and over a decade in digital marketing and website design. We offer analysis, strategy, project implementation and management, and marketing coaching. Mark is also host of the new Battle Plan Marketing® Podcast.
Mark Ambrose
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